Monday, June 30, 2008


Awesome scenery! As I have stated before "It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!". LMAO These guys stopped by the store on their way to Mexico City, they started in Anchorage, AK and will be following the Pacific Coastline all the way to Mexico. They are from the Netherlands and promised to keep in touch!!!! I'll say it again - "It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!".

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Meet Cinderella!!!! Okay, the kids are grown, the dog is dead (poor dead Rustie), and Sam is in fostercare - Kari has him. So now here I am in Washington state and I apparently have a duck! A wild duck. She follows me around the store, comes to the door and quacks, flys up to the windows and flaps her wings at me - she has picked me. She is so "U G L Y", but then again her name is "Cinderella".

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It has come to my attention - thank you Mary - that I somehow or another blocked comments from my blog entries!!!!! Please comment, that's what makes it fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mexican Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey ya'll! I am soooooooooo happy. I found a taqueria in Port Angeles!! LMAO I rode the bus into town yesterday and something caught my eye, it was a red, yellow, blue, orange and green building with a banner!!! Could my eyes be deceiving me? Could this possibly be a place with pinatas and velvet paintings and 12 cents a minute phone cards to Mexico, and home made Corona bottle salt & pepper shakers???? Yes, it was!!!!!! I thought for a minute I had died and gone to Texas! LMAO I ran down the hill, something I haven't done in 9 years, and ordered "asada quisadellas". The woman was sooo excited when I asked for pico de guillo! She immediately stated "Your from Texas aren't you!!!!!". I said "somethin' like that!". Guess it's now official "I am a Texan!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Me again!

I am having such a great time! Two months ago I could not have lived without checking my email, my messages on my cell, Starbucks coffee, Coca Cola in a can, Taco Bell - now I haven't even opened my laptop in over a week, I spent my paycheck in Victoria, Canada instead of purchasing a cell phone that actually works here, Espresso Rocks!, and any kind of "healthy juice" the kitchen has chilled will do. But, I did go into town and eat McDonald's yesterday - by the way now I realize how bad a quarter pounder sucks!!!!!!!! LOL Check out the new pics Marymere Falls, Sol Duc Trail, Fairholme Store and Victoria Canada. Keep the comments up I love it!!!!!!!!!